Motorcycle Honda CB77
Honda CB77 The Honda Superhawk CB77 is a 305 cc twin-cylinder motorcycle and was produced from 1961 until 1967 (although there are some 1968-registered models). Honda also produced a 247 cc version called the CB72 Dream Sport, while in various advertisements referred to the 305 cc CB77 as a Dream Super Sport. The CB77 is commonly known as the Honda Superhawk (not to be confused with the much later Honda VTR1000F Superhawk), or Honda305. Attributes ~ The motorcycle was known for its robust and precise motor and the overall high quality of fabrication and assembly. The motor was a stressed member of the frame, strengthening the frame and improving the handling over designs with a "dropped-in" motor and cradle frame. All CB models had a forward-arcing kick starter, necessary in order to miss the right-hand footpeg, and re-locatable footpegs that could be sited well rearward (at the expense of forfeiting the pillion) thus enhancing the sporting ride position, especially when...